Saturday, September 17, 2016

Buat Rumah Murah

Buat rumah 6bilik serendah RM200k
selain itu juga kami juga menyediakan perkhidmatan:
-Design housing Scheme
-3D Maker
-Working drawing
-Submission Drawing
-Graphic Design (banner, bunting, poster)
-Presentation Board
 UNTUK Maklumat lanjut sila Hubungi
0189084713 (Ahpitt)

contoh Video animation 
Antara Contoh Rumah Rm200k  
3D untuk site
3D rumah
3D rumah
Contoh design Poster 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Kota Bharu, KELANTAN


   Kota Bharu Group had the privilege of working with the local people also one of our group member
Nuraidi Syazwan and Nur hafifie Shaari. Their sense of freely zooming in and out was one of the skills that we found refreshing and particularly energetic. They would walk across the field as far as possible and climb up the hill to capture and share with us the small elements of the building that appeared between the houses and the landscape in the foreground. Buildings are not stand-alone objectsthat look only look great in photographs and on the covers of magazine. NuraidiSyazwan and NurhafifieShaari tactile approach to architecture and its context seems to acknowledge and reinforce this thinking.

Kelantanese architecture, when documented for those outside the country, is often presented as a series of beautiful, strange, sculpted and ephemeral abstract objects. It can be very hard to understand the political, social and geographical context until you visit. NuraidiSyazwan and NurhafifieShaari prefer to include the surrounding chaos, local life and contradictions of context in his photography to capture the sense of being there

NuraidiSyazwan and NurhafifieShaari skills at immersing themselves in the local culture ( because of his many visits and his understanding of it, we as an outsider, is a great tool which to document the traditional Kelantan. They seem to be able to capture the sense of the architect’s works, as well as sometimes simply cutting themselves out of the insular world that is Kelantanesearchitectural scene.

Kelantanese architects now influence the global agenda, yet there is also still a strong sense of isolation from the rest of the world. With the global recession, there appears to be even more focus on ‘looking wihtin’ with more architects working locally and the ‘West’ no longer the centre of admiration. It also seems that the rigidity of the hierarchy is diminishing, giving the younger generation architects more apportunities.

In these challenging times it is very interesting to contemplate how architecture will develop. There is a fascinating mix of architecture in Japan: some focusing on locality, history and even the chaos of cities. NuraidiSyazwan and NurhafifieShaari have managed to document the seeds and fruits of these current proposals, with their varying approaches, by freely hopping from one prefecture to another, by focusing in on and out of the details. This book represents the enormous potential that exist in Kelantan for the future creation of an enduring and rich architectural heritage.


Kelantan was once known as a powerful state with ancient trade links with China, Champa and India, but became tributary to the Majapahit Empire during the 13th and 14th centuries. The state re-established its independence under Raja Kumar and became an important centre for trade and commerce during the fifteenth century. However, they fell to Malacca in 1499 which was then being conquered by the Portuguese and lastly took over by the Siamese and named change to Patani in year 1603.

In 1760, a king of Patani called Kubang Labu succeeded in unifying the disparate territories into a single state once more, but he was overthrown four years later. Long (Luang) Yunus seized the throne and proclaimed himself as the King of Kelantan in year 1764 but the state fell under the control of Terengganu after his death. Long Muhammad, younger son of Yunus, declared himself Sultan in 1800. He was eventually accepted by the Siamese as a ruler of a separate tributary, twelve years later. Kelantan was transferred to British protection by the terms of the Anglo-Siamese treaty of 1909. Britain paying Siam for all outstanding debts and assuming responsibility for them in Siamese state. Negeri Kelantan Darul-Naim became one of the un-federated Malay States in 1991.

      The Japanese invaded Kelantan in 8th December and were in full occupation by the 22nd of December 1941. They transferred Kelantan to Thai control in1943. The state was freed from Japanese occupation on 8th September 1945 and become a state of the Federal of Malaya on 1st February 1948. It joined the other states of the peninsular to form the Federation of Malaya on 31st August 1957 and became a state of Malaysia on 16th September 1963.

Several centuries ago, “Kelantan” formerly known with various names such as "Gelam Hutam", which is the Malay name for leucadendron melaleuca tree and the “Serambi Mekkah” has a very long history and stories.

Kelantan is a state famous for many years with its Malay architectural structure which include the elements of Islam. Most buildings constructed here are manufactured by Malay craftsmen and they applied the concept of Islamic in constructing all the buildings such as the houses and others.

The architecture can be served as an example in the present and future references. Although the architectural pattern or design change from time to time, the old architecture is still being referred, not easy to be forgotten and still being used until today for a better tomorrow like the saying “tiada yang lama maka tiada lah yang baru”.

| Planning and the Architecture of Masjid Kampung Laut

Introduction of Kampung Laut Mosque
Kampung Laut Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in the country and is located in Nilam Puri, Kelantan. It serves as a center for the dissemination and teaching of Islam, especially in Kota Bahru, Kelantan.
According to the Malaysian Historical Society, the building was moved from its original site in Kampung Laut one year after the occurrence of major floods in Kelantan in 1966. However, the mosque is said to have been built about 300 to 500 years ago and, according to some opinions, Kampung Laut Mosque is older compared to Masjid Demak in comparison with that found in Jawa.

History and origin of construction
There are three theories that have been linked to the origin of the construction of the mosque of Kampung Laut. According to the first theory as presented by local historian of Man Bin Nik Nik Mat, the mosque was built by the King of the Faith. Nik Man states that approximately 400 years ago there was a Muslim Sri Vijayan prince named Syed Mahmud under the title of Raja Muda Admiral. 
The prince set sail from Java when there is a fight to seize the throne. His ship were traveling in caught in a storm and swept him into coastal waters in southern Thailand. 
Most of his followers began to settle in the area, while the others traveled to all corners of the area until met a village called Kampung Laut. 
Syed Mahmud who changed his name to King Iman then set up an endowment as a shelter and finally it changed into a mosque. 

The second theory advanced by a philosopher of Drs. Abdul Rahman Al-Ahmadi. According to his research, the mosque was built about 500 years ago by students of Islam from Champa. The claimant worked as a propagator of Islam from the West, bringing in a prototype plan seeks to establish mosques and three Islamic centers throughout the archipelago. 

Abdul Rahman said two of the mosques that have been proven to be founded in East Java and one of them is Mosque and Masjid Demak Laut is the first mosque built by them. This fact also proved authentic as age Masjid Kampung Laut found earlier mosque was built from Demak in Java. 

The third theory put forward by Ustaz Abdullah bin Muhammad who settled in the village hit, Kota Bahru. According to his hypothesis, the mosque was founded by two guardian guardian of nine famous when it was called the Mount worm and worm Peking. It is believed that the two Sufis from the receiving instruction under Sheikh Mohamad Saman was ordered to establish the mosque. 
However, Masjid Kampung Laut is still preserved until now and still retained its original state since the reign of Sultan Mahmud in the early 20th century again. 

Reconstruction Of The Kampung Laut Mosque At Nilam Puri

The damage cause by the floor and soil erosion to the old mosque came a deep concern to the Muslim Community especially the local historians. The Malaysian Historical Society asked and was given permission by state government to rescue the historic building and to remove it to the present site, Nilam Puri. The mosque was dismantled in November 1967 by a group of Kelantan Malay carpenters under the instruction of En. Hussin Bin Salleh of Kampung Bunut Payong under the supervision of Tuan Haji Zain bin Haji Awang Kechik. The mosque ws reconstructed following exactly the old form and using as for as possible all the old materials. The total cost of demolition and construction of the mosque was fully sponsored by The Malaysian Historical Society. The reconstructed mosque was officially handed back to The Most Honourable Dato’ Haji Mohd Asri Bin Haji Muda, Menteri Besar of Kelantan on behalf of the state government on 23th Rabiatul Awal 1390 corresponding with 8th May 1970 by Tun Haji Hamdan Bin Sheikh Tahir on behalf of the Malaysian Historical Society.

The Restoration Work To Masjid Kampung Laut
The state government in its effort to make good the damage caused by the big flood to the old mosque had launched a fund-collecting drive. Consequently, in February 1988, the work on the “re-construction’ began. This included the consctruction of corridors, verandahs halls, separate toilets for men and women and other aminities. Cengal or the hard and strong species of wood was used in most of the “repairs”. Upon completion of the work undertaken, the old mosque has been had been restored to its own original state. From 1999 onwards, the State Museum Corporation with the support and coorperation of the Museum and Antiquity Department, Kuala Lumpur had carried out various renovations. The maintenance of the mosque and its premises was also undertaken by the same department.

Planning and design concepts 
The main part of the mosque consists of a rectangular plan covered with a pyramidal roof arranged in three levels. The roof top slightly raised its benchmark and placed windows to facilitate lighting.
The roof is decorated with carved motifs of sewers. The entire mosque floor is raised about one meter above the ground. 
It is equipped with a foyer otherwise surrounded by a wall panel made of wood in the interior. The panel walls and used punched openings for doors and windows. 
Modifications carried out and then a space station called stellar added on the side opposite the mosque mihrab wall and a large foyer area is also connected. 

Two newly built space was set slightly lower than the level of the main part of the mosque. Foyer area was added on the eastern side of the mosque, known as waqaf orang like? 
Phrase orang like? This is reserved for the government officials and influential people at that time. The tower is built of wood attached to the mosque and accessible from the foyer to the east which was originally located in the middle of the hall star. The tower height is approximately equal to the peak level of the roof of the main mosque.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Selamat Hari Raya !

Assalamualaikum kepada kawan2 teman2 sahabat2 abang2 kakak2 semua.
Dikesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua, Mohon maaf jika ada salah dah silap sepanjang saya mengenali atau tidak mengenali anda. Saya juga sebagai manusia biasa penuh dengan kelemahan dan pelbagai kekurangan.
Bagi aku Ramadhan kali ini sangat-sangat mencabar bilamana saya sebagai student archi perlu mengurus setiap masa supaya setiap detik yang berjalan dapat dimanfaat dengan sebaiknye. bukan saja membahagi masa utk beramal dibulan yg penuh degan barakah ini tetapi perlu membahagi masa utk menyiapkan segala assignment, presentation yang diberi malah perlu mengambil extra masa utk perbetulan dan mencari concept yang baru untuk ditukar :( Alhamdulillah akhirnya concept diterima.
Semoga Ramadhan yang akan berlalu pergi ini memberi kita sedikit kekuatan untuk kita terus beristiqamah dalam melakukan segala kebaikan yang telah kita lakukan sepanjang dalam bulan Ramadhan kali ini.

Saya mewakili keluarga Anuar juga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin....

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ramadhan 1436

Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.!
Alhamdulillah kita masih lagi diberi kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan bulan yang sungguh mulia ini iaitu Ramadhan bagi tahun 2015 bersamaan dgn 1436 Hijrah. Tragedi yang menimpa diriku baru-baru ini sangat memberi kesan pada ku untuk terus memperbanyakkan bersyukur kepada Allah kerana aku masih lagi diberi peluang untuk Hidup dan masih berpeluang untuk menambah lagi segala amalan dan membuang segala dosa-dosa
yang telah kita lakukan. Bagi diriku kejadian itu sebenarnya membuatkan aku seringkali terfikir dan terus berfikir :| 
jika pada masa kejadian itu aku tergelincir ke tiang Elektrik yang besar tu pasti aku tidak lagi berada disini dan Alhamdulillah aku hanya tergelincir dan melanggar sebuah kedai makan. Dan sesungguhnya mati itu adalah pasti cuma waktu sahaja kita tidak ketahui.

“Setiap yang berjiwa pasti akan merasakan mati, dan Kami menguji kamu dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai satu fitnah (ujian), 
dan hanya kepada Kami lah kamu akan dikembalikan.” (Al-Anbiya`: 35)

 “Di mana saja kamu berada, kematian pasti akan mendapati kamu, walaupun kamu berada di dalam benteng yang tinggi lagi 
kukuh.” (An-Nisa`: 78)

Bagi aku Ramadahan kali ini adalah sangat2 mencabar dari sebelum ini sebab tahun lalu aku berpuasa dirumah dan waktu itu aku masih berkerja sebelum menyambung pengajian. Pada Tahun ini Ramadhan ketika aku dalam waktu belajar. Ramadhan waktu belajar ni lah kene straggle sikit kene pandai susun masa untuk buat assignment dengan buat ibadat. 
Apa yg saya harapkan Ramadhan kali ini saya mampu capai target saya. Jika sebelum ini tidak mencapai ada yang kita harapkan kita usaha lebih lagi untuk kali ini. Sebab dalam bulan 
Ramdahan ini lah masa untuk kita nak cas balik battery iman kita yang makin lemah ni. Mungkin daripada Ramadhan ni kita boleh amalkan ibadat yg kita buat selama sebulan dibulan Ramadhan dan istiqamah dengan kebaikkan yang kita buat contoh mudah. Masa Ramadhan kita banyak melakukan solat secara berjemaaah, buat solat2 sunat, solat baca alquran 1 juzuk dan sebagainya so mungkin kita boleh teruskan dibulan yang lain pulak. :)      
Dan akhir kalam, Semoga kita sama2 terus istiqamah dengan amal ibadat yang kita lakukan untuk bulan ini dan seterusnya. inshaAllah. Assalamualaikum 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tersalah Pilih.?

 Part 1

"Allah banyaknye kene buat sempat ke ni kalo xbuat confrm2 fail ni hmm."
"Arrrr susahnye nak buat bende ni."
"Arrr nak tidorrrr"

Haa itu masa time diploma dulu lah masa awal-awal baru masuk baru nak kenal life architecture ni.
Rasanya.. Allah susahnya Seni Bina ni dah lah tak pandai lukis semua hmm memang struggle gila waktu tu, belajar nak lukis itu belajr nak lukis ini. asal kene lukis je mesti REDO. asal kene warna lukisan je meti kene REDO errrr.. masa awal-awal tu memang sakit hati je lah memanjang hahaa nak buat punyelah susah boleh pulak lect. suruh Redo balik "hmm tak tido lagi lah malam ni"  dan begitu lah pada seterusnya dan seterusnya :'|

Yang tu tak lah masalah besar sangat. tapi paling tak suke masa tu banyak sangat dihabiskan buat benda-benda tu, sehari dua tak apa juga ni setiap minggu arrr.. Sampai naqib aku masa tu pun dah risau. mane taknye asal ada perjumpaan mesti jarang datang bukan xnak datang tapi sebab bende-bende ni lah. banyak sangat. tapi kalo time tu dapt bajet siap bila memang inshaAllah pergi lah. Tak bestnye tu jelah susah sikit klo nak ikut pgram itu ini kebiasaannye lepas hbis sem bru dapt join ape-apa prgram. Memang jeles gak dengan ikhwan2 yang lain yang dapat berpgram sana sini yang aku ni hmm dunia2 tak tahu bile nak habis. tu yang kadang-kadang rasa macam nak tukar bidang lain je.  :')


Cara Warna Floor Plan

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada anda semua yg sudi datang ke blog saya dan
untuk kali ini saya ingin berkongsi satu cara mudah untuk mewarna lantai Bangunan dangan mengunakan Photoshop dan hanya dengan beberapa langkah anda akan dapat satu lantai bangunan yang berwarna selamat mencuba.

Langkah-langkah Mewarna Lantai Bangunan

1. Peringkat pertama dan terawal iaitu menukar format AutoCad Drawing (.dwg) dahulu kepada format EPS File (.eps.) didalam perisian AutoCad 

2. Buka perisian Photoshop serta pergi pada toolbar atas pada belah kiri dan pergi pada file

File > Open As Smart > File tugasan > Open

  Pastikan Resolution berada pada tahap 200 pixels/cm dan Mode pada RGB color selain kedua-dua kotak kecil dibawah bertanda.

  3. Hanya mempunya line drawing dan background kosong. Background tersebut perlu dibetulkan atau diubah

Layers > Right Click > Flatten Image
     Tukar background yang kosong kepada  putih 

   LANGKAH 4  
    4.Membawa masuk contoh lukisan lantai yang lain terdahulu yang telah siap untuk dijadikan  rujukan      

  5. Bagi memulakan kerja mewarna pada lukisan, layers baru perlu dibuat.
Bahagian pertama yang perlu diwarnakan adalah pada bahagian keratan dinding bangunan dengan mengunakan Paint Bucket yang berwana hitam

LANGKAH 6   6.Membuat layers dan warna pada bahagian yang seterusnya serta meletakkan nama pada layer dan bahagian warna baru tersebut
Mewarna pada bahagian bumbung porch    

 7. Pada bahagian perabot pula adalah berbeza kerana ia perlu diwarna dengan teliti. Meletakkan warna putih pada perabot-perabot tersebut mengunakan Paint Bucket bagi memastikan perabot itu berjaya dibuat shadow pada langkah yang seterusnya

8. Cara meletakkan shadow pada perabot dengan klik pada layer perabot di layers dan right click layer tersebut serta cari Blending options

      Right click pada Layer perabot > Blending options > Drop shadow

9.Adalah cara cara bagaimana untuk menjadikan bahagian lantai yang telah berwarna tersebut nampak lebih cantik dan sesuai dengan meletakkan texture  

   Meletakkan Texture mengikut lantai yang digunakan.

10. Mengubah warna pada Porch Roof dalam rajah dengan memasukkan Add Noise supaya warna tersebut dapat menyerupai seperti bahan sebenar


   Perbezaan Pocrch Roof yang  belum di masukkan Add Noise dan telah di Add Noise

11. Menyiapkan kerja mewarna pada bahagian-bahagian lain dan pastikan warna yang diletakkan pada bangunan tersebut mengikut warna dan jenis lantai yang telah ditetapkan

    Bahagian luar kawasan bangunan pada first floor plan tidak perlu diwarnakan

  12. Menyimpan kerja tersebut mengikut format tertentu dan kebiasaanya tugasan akan disimpan pada format PSD File (.psd) ataupun JPEG Image (.jpg) ataupun disimpan kedua-duanya format sekali.

    Quality pada tahap 8 High serta format options hanya tanda pada Progressive.
    OK  selesai

Perbezaan sebelum dan selepas.



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